Letter from the Editors

Dear Readers, 

Welcome to Issue 85 of The Collagist! This issue is my last issue as an editor with the magazine.  Working on The Collagist over the past seven years—first as poetry editor, then co-editor—has been a tremendous privilege. I’m indebted to everyone who has worked on this magazine for making it such a joyous experience, and especially grateful to our contributors for their excellent writing and for placing their trust in our magazine. 

This issue contains an expanded poetry section featuring poems from a few returning contributors as well as writers new to the magazine. We have work from Jessica Jacobs, Jeannine Hall Gailey, C. Dale Young, Cindy King, Aricka Foreman, Anders Carlson-Wee, Sarah Huener, Robert Fanning, Michelle Peñaloza, and Ian Randall Wilson.

In fiction, we have stories from Maryse Meijer, Jeff Bursey, Glen Pourciau, Glenn Shaheen as well as an excerpt from Harold Abramowitz’s Blind Spot. This month’s nonfiction is an essay from Dylan Brown.

Our reviews section includes coverage of Dog Ear by Erica Baum (reviewed by Alexis Zanghi), Not a Self-Help Book by Yi Shun Lai (reviewed by John David Harding), Spine by Carolyn Guinzio (reviewed by David Nilsen), and All Waiting is Long by Barbara J. Taylor reviewed by Bradley Babendir.

I’m excited to see where Gabe, Michael, and Marielle take the magazine next, and I look forward to being a part of the magazine’s future, not as an editor, but as a reader and a fan.

As always, thank you for stopping by, and thank you for reading. 

Matthew Olzmann
The Collagist