Ravi Mangla lives in Fairport, NY. His stories have appeared in Mid-American Review, American Short Fiction, Wigleaf, matchbook, and Tin House Online. He keeps a blog at ravimangla.com.
An excerpt from his novel, Understudies, appeared in Issue Fifty of The Collagist.
Here, Ravi Manngla answers interview questions "in the form of excerpts"--with further excerpts from his book. Enjoy!
What is writing like?
It’s like peeing in a lake or masturbating in a movie theatre.
What isn’t writing like?
Some sloping, decrepit dwelling, the grass overgrown and grounds for dumping, a relic of personal ruin.
When you do it, why?
I’m a Methodist.
When you don’t, why?
I’m not about to appropriate the internal landscape of a mourner just to feel better about myself.