Dayna Patterson
repository of first stars spied fizzing like pop rocks
in night's purple mouth cache of candles blown out
in a single breath of air sprinting in the lungs
until a tunnel's glowing edge lopes to a slow gold finish
treasury of eyelashes wisped from cheek's landing
and puffed into space swirling with the dust each wish
a new coin tucked behind a loose brick each wish a feather found
snagged in grass brassy blue kept in case wings are wanted
in case one feather isn't enough to fledge arms of flesh or call back
mother from her country of bone store up
each seed head blown each month begun with rabbit
rabbiting across the tongue seal them in cells deposit them
in dream log them in the heart's ledger and keep
heedful register on the mind's balance sheet a tally mark
for every single falling star every nickel flicked into fountain's
burble the weight of wishes like a fish's bright mail