church in the wild

Nate Marshall


tuesday’s children
wait on the pavement before
the doors of the church are open
singing the thong song.

tuesday’s children
make popsicle stick statues
of jesus & other actions figures,
like mama or grandma or play auntie.

tuesday’s children
sit in the sanctuary,
sing in the shake
of voice change.

tuesday’s children
see the first lady take a broomstick
to the back of her youngest
for being a bully
                                   & other stories about rods.

tuesday’s children are the light
of the world turned on
to break up the basement party
right when it was getting live.

tuesday’s children are big
jeans tied up with twine
or short skirts made dress
by a virtuous t-shirt.

tuesday’s children are holy
as hell, praying for mercy,
on the lamb of God
with a grape juice chaser.