Contributors' Notes

Issue Fifty-Six: March 2014


Joshua Bennett hails from Yonkers, NY. He is a third-year doctoral candidate in the English Department at Princeton University, Callaloo Fellow, and, as of this past summer, teacher of 8th grade Composition. His poetry has either been published or is forthcoming in Callaloo, Anti-, Tidal Basin Review, Drunken Boat, Word Riot and Muzzle. Joshua is also the founding editor of Kinfolks Quarterly, and a member of The Strivers Row, a performance collective based in New York City.

James Brubaker lives in Oklahoma with his wife. He is the author of two books, Pilot Season (Sunnyoutside) and Liner Notes (Subito Press), the latter of which won the Subito Press Book Prize for Prose in 2013, and will be published later this year. His stories have also appeared or are forthcoming in venues including Zoetrope: All Story, Hobart, Michigan Quarterly Review, Beloit Fiction Journal, Web Conjunctions, and The Normal School, among others. He is also an editor for The Collapsar.

D. Foy has had work published in Salon, Bomb, Frequencies, Post Road, The Literary Review, and The Georgia Review, among others, and included in the books Laundromat and Forty Stories: New Writing from Harper Perennial. He lives in Brooklyn. You can see a short interview with D. Foy in the trailer for Made to Break, here:

Carrie Guss is a Canadian writer and artist with illustrations and photography appearing in Lucky Peach, AOL News, and SmokeLong Quarterly. She has a story forthcoming from NANO Fiction, and her work was recently long-listed for the 2014 CBC Short Story Prize. Her portfolio resides online, here:

Caroline M. Mar lives in San Francisco. A recent graduate of the MFA Program for Writers at Warren Wilson College and an alumna of the Voices at VONA workshop, Carrie currently works as a secondary Special Education teacher and owes great gratitude to her students and colleagues for what they teach her every day. Her work has been published in RiverLit and As/Us.

TaraShea Nesbit's first book, The Wives of Los Alamos, was an Indies Choice Spring 2014 Debut Novel Pick, a Spring 2014 Barnes and Noble Discover New Writers Selection, and received starred reviews from Kirkus Reviews, Publishers Weekly, and Booklist. She teaches creative writing and literature at the University of Denver and is the nonfiction editor of Better: Culture & Lit.

James Orbesen is a writer and adjunct living in Chicago. His work has appeared in The Atlantic, Jacobin, The New Humanism, Salon, Bookslut, TriQuarterly, and elsewhere. Work is forthcoming in Mid-American Review.

Alex Oxner is a Master's candidate in English literature at The Florida State University. She currently teaches composition courses at FSU, and is preparing to enter the PhD program in English at Vanderbilt University. Alex focuses on twentieth-century literature, modernism, and genetic studies. Her poems have appeared in Poetry Quarterly.

Forrest Roth's recent work has appeared in Juked, Caketrain, NANO Fiction, Upstairs at Duroc, and on-line at Passages North, and his prose poem chapbook, The Sullen Pages, is available from Little Red Leaves. He currently teaches at Niagara University in New York.

Pir Rothenberg’s work appears in Wigleaf, River Styx, Another Chicago Magazine, Harpur Palate, Zahir, Juked, Prick of the Spindle, the anthology Richmond Noir, Best of Akashic Noir Series: USA Noir, and is forthcoming in Barrelhouse. He is currently pursuing his PhD at Georgia State University.

Michelle Seaton’s short fiction has appeared in One Story, Harvard Review and Sycamore Review, among others. Her journalism and essays have appeared in Robb Report, Bostonia, Yankee Magazine, The Pinch, Lake Effect and Best American Nonrequired Reading. She is the coauthor of the books The Way of Boys (William Morrow, 2009) and the Cardiac Recovery Handbook (Hatherleigh Press, 2004). She teaches narrative nonfiction at Grub Street where she created the curriculum for Grub Street's Memoir Project, a program that offers free memoir classes to senior citizens in Boston neighborhoods. The project has visited fourteen Boston neighborhoods and produced four anthologies.

Leah Silvieus’ poetry and performance has been featured at the O, Miami Poetry Festival and at the Asian American Women Artist Association in San Francisco, and her writing has appeared in Asian American Poetry & Writing, CURA, diode, and A River & Sound Review, among others. She has also received fellowships from Kundiman and the Voices of Our Nation Arts Foundation. Currently, she lives in Florida and New York where she works in the yacht hospitality industry.

Kelly's Sundberg's nonfiction has appeared or is forthcoming in Guernica, Mid-American Review, Quarterly West, The Los Angeles Review, Slice Magazine, and others. She has also had an essay recognized as a Notable Essay in Best American Essays 2013. She currently lives in Athens, Ohio where she is a PhD Candidate in Creative Nonfiction at Ohio University.

Fritz Ward’s poems have appeared American Letters & Commentary, Gulf Coast, Blackbird, and many other publications. His manuscript has been a finalist and semi-finalist for the Academy of American Poets Walt Whitman Prize, the National Poetry Series, The Four Way Books Levis Prize, and several other contests. He currently lives just outside of Philadelphia and works at Swarthmore College.

Sarah Ann Winn lives in Fairfax, Virginia. Her poems have appeared or are forthcoming in San Pedro River Review, Nassau Review, Portland Review, and Two Thirds North among others.